Clear Home, Clear Heart Read online

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  Ideally, you can work in person with a friend so you can talk to them as you clear them and so they can give you feedback. This is the quickest way to learn. However, if there’s no one handy nearby, you can choose anyone you know, even if you can’t meet in person. After all, energy isn’t affected by distance or geography; I do clearings on the phone every day with people all over the world. Simply set up a time to talk on the phone or through a video chat such as Skype.

  As a last choice, you can do a clearing without speaking to your friend in real time because just as distance doesn’t matter, neither does timing. However, it’s harder to learn this way because you don’t have immediate feedback, so I don’t encourage it. If you choose to proceed, then arrange to talk, text, or e-mail them soon after the clearing so you can discuss what happened while it’s still fresh in your mind. They may also be able to validate any impressions you had or talk about any shifts they felt during the clearing.

  If you’re going to clear a friend who’s at a distance from you, ask their permission first. You may know in your heart that they definitely need this help! However, especially in the early stages of your learning, your earnest desire can affect the clearing process. This can then create a situation where you’re forcing the issue or having an attachment to a certain outcome. Getting permission from the other person will help lessen the chance of that happening.

  Later on, we’ll get into the what/how/why of the clearing process, but one of the main skills you’ll first need to develop is not to race up into your head to try to figure out the mechanics of how to “do” a clearing! Instead, your job right now is to practice learning how to drop into a state that’s more about being than about doing or analyzing. And that’s what I’m about to guide you through.

  The Five Steps before You Begin Any Clearing

  These are the steps you will always take before you begin any clearing:

  1. Check to see if you’re switched.

  Swing the pendulum over the palm of your hand to see if it’s making the kind of movement it usually does there, whether that’s spinning in a circle, side to side, or whatever motion you now know is yours. (You can also check it over the back of your hand too if you want to be doubly sure.)

  If it makes its normal movement, that means your own energy is balanced enough; you’re available to do a clearing. But if it doesn’t, then it’s likely you’re switched and will be unable to clear. This usually happens only if you’re stressed, tired, or upset. (Refer to the advice in Chapter 3 about how to get unswitched.)

  This is the only time that you hold your free hand under the pendulum—to check whether you’re switched. From this point on, you do not hold the pendulum over your hand. You simply hold it in a relaxed fashion, in midair.

  2. Become aware of your feelings.

  Take a nice deep breath and come into the moment. Relax and become aware of your feelings. How does your body feel? Do you notice any tension or discomfort somewhere? What is your emotional state?

  What you’re doing is taking a baseline reading of what’s going on for you, before you tune in to someone else’s energy. This makes it easier to notice any changes in how you feel during the clearing. Once you start clearing, any changes that you feel will most likely be your system sensing their energy. This will also help you recognize the subtle feelings you can have during a clearing that are actually signs of their releasing stress, old issues, or stuck energy.

  3. Ask if it’s appropriate to proceed.

  Give your pendulum another little swing to start it moving and ask, “Is it appropriate to proceed?” Then wait a few moments to see if it makes your “yes” movement or your “no” movement.

  If you get a “no”: You must trust that. It could be that the person you want to clear isn’t ready for it, the time isn’t right, it might be too much for your ability at this point, or any number of reasons. It is essential to trust the answer that you get and not try to push the issue. You can check again after a few minutes, or the next day, or a week from now; it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you don’t try to force your will on the situation—you wouldn’t be doing a clearing then anyhow. You’d be in the wrong state of mind, one that could actually detrimentally affect that person’s energy or your own.

  If you get a “yes”: You can move forward to do the clearing!

  4. Inform the other person.

  Tell your friend to relax and just be aware of their feelings while you do the clearing. Let them know that they might have emotions come up, old memories could emerge, or they might sense something physically, and it can be helpful to discuss this either during or after the session.

  5. Settle into a calm, open, wondering state of mind.

  There’s a certain state of mind to maintain while you do this work, one that can be described as “passive wondering.” In other words, have a neutral and receptive attitude of I wonder what will come up to be cleared or I wonder what I’ll feel in this part of the clearing. You are not looking for any particular issue, and you are not required to find or fix any specific problem. Your job is just to stay present and relaxed—just calmly open to whatever will come.

  Clearing the First Field:

  Disturbing Effects of Others

  Now you’re ready to start. There are a total of six different energy fields that can be cleared in any session, and you always work with them in a specific order. Let’s practice clearing the very first field, just to give you some experience of what this work is like, and then in the next chapter we’ll continue on to the rest.

  This first field is where you always start when you do a clearing for anyone. I’ve never found this vitally important field addressed in any other kind of energy work, yet it has a profound impact on your well-being on every level. It’s named the Disturbing Effects of Others (DEO) field.

  I always tell my clients, “This has less to do with you and more to do with how you’ve been affected by the people and places around you.” In other words, the disturbing effects of others. It could be the stress surrounding you at the office that you carry home with you at the end of the day. It could be an old boyfriend who’s still unwilling to let you go, sending his needy feelings your way like a little ribbon of energy that attaches to your field. It might be an imbalance that’s been stuck in your energy for decades, like some of the tension in your childhood home when your parents fought, or a little of the frenzied atmosphere of the hospital emergency room you were in after an accident years ago.

  When my son was in high school, and before he learned to drive, I’d drive him to and from school each day. The parking lot where I waited for him every afternoon was located at the other end of the athletic field, behind a thick grove of trees, so I couldn’t actually see the building from where I sat. But I knew the moment the doors flew open and the students started to stream out because something akin to a wave from a nuclear blast slammed into my car! All those raging hormones, pent-up energy, and teenage angst blew across the land and specifically in the direction of the parking lot where the parents waited for their kids. Sitting in my car, I’d feel the wave hit and immediately my system reacted by going into clearing mode without my even having to try. Then a few minutes later, here would come the first few teens straggling along the path through the trees. That experience alone convinced me how important it is to clear DEOs!

  All these vibrations can get velcroed to our energy fields over the years. As they accumulate, they weigh us down and continually stress our systems in invisible ways—and we wonder why we feel so worn out!

  What Might Clear in the DEO Field

  Often the first things that come up to be released in this field are how this person is currently being affected by the energy of the people they live with or work with. For example, when I clear someone who works in a large corporate setting, I often feel waves of tension that they’ve soaked in from all the people around them at work each day.

  After the current stress in someone’s DEO field lets go,
it’s common for older layers to emerge as the clearing continues. It’s as if that first overlay has to go before the things that have been stuck underneath for years can be released. Sometimes I feel the energy of their mother or father as influences from their childhood clear. Or I may sense something toxic from long ago, such as the time I smelled the strong odor of cigarettes from a client who didn’t smoke. But then he remembered that his roommate who had moved out five years before had been a chain smoker. The invisible residue of the smoke from the decade they lived together lingered in his energy field.

  Every time you clear DEOs for someone, new layers can come up to clear; not everything clears in just one session.

  How to Clear the First Field:

  Disturbing Effects of Others

  Once you’ve done those five preliminary steps previously described, you can start the clearing! Here’s what to do next:

  1. Silently ask your pendulum, “Is there anything to clear in Disturbing Effects of Others?”

  This is the one field where there is always something to clear, because you take things on here every day. During a trip to the grocery store, it’s likely the bag boy isn’t just packing the bananas into your shopping bag; he’s probably also adding some of his personal frustration for you to carry home too! So your pendulum should always indicate a “yes” here.

  If you get a “no”: It’s likely you have just gotten switched, or your mind has wandered and you’re no longer present. It’s also very possible that you’re nervous about doing this right, and so you’ve tensed up too much. It’s important to have a calm confidence that you can do this—even if you have to fake that feeling at first!

  If you do get a “no” to this question, realize this is part of the learning process. All it might take to get back on track is to ease your anxiety by cracking a joke, or just taking a deep breath. You might take a break and come back to the clearing a few minutes later, or have someone clear you and then try again. But don’t proceed if your pendulum says “no,” because that’s an indication you’re temporarily unable to make enough of a connection to their energy.

  If you get a “yes”: You can begin to clear.

  2. Holding your pendulum, tell yourself that you’re now going to start clearing Disturbing Effects of Others.

  3. Give the pendulum a swing to get it going.

  At this point, you may notice that your pendulum soon starts to move in a brand-new way! Just like it swings in a certain manner to show you “yes” or “no,” it may move in a different way to show you that clearing is happening. Its motion will change once again when the clearing is complete. Remember, it’s basically a little biofeedback tool that lets you know when your system is experiencing something.

  For example, when I use a pendulum, my “yes” is a vertical, up-and-down swing and my “no” is a horizontal, side-to-side swing. But when I’m clearing, my pendulum swings in a circle. When the clearing is complete, it changes its motion to an up-and-down “yes” movement so I know it’s finished.

  Rest assured, there’s no one right way for your pendulum to move. It doesn’t have to make a third motion for clearing. For some people, their pendulum will just make their “yes” motion during the clearing and change to “no” when they’re done. Or vice versa, it’ll make their “no” movement during the clearing and change to a “yes” once they’re done. The nice thing is that you don’t have to magically know when you’ve started or finished clearing; the change in how the pendulum moves will be that signal for you.

  4. As you let the pendulum swing, hold the thought in mind that you’re clearing Disturbing Effects of others.

  “But What Do I Do?”

  And now you’ll be thinking, I don’t know what to do! I don’t know how to clear. What do I do? Should I create an intention? Should I send love?

  Western culture has trained us all our lives to think we have to “do” something to fix things. We’ve been taught to believe the world works in a linear, cause-and-effect way, even though everything around us shows us that’s not true. In nature, everything is interconnected in the most subtle and intricate ways. As humans, we’re all swimming in a great sea of consciousness, with our thoughts, our feelings, and our energy intermingling with incredible complexity. It’s when we try to do something to change an issue that we come from a very limited understanding, and this often causes more problems in the short or long run.

  This work is not about doing; it’s about being. In other words, your job is not to try to do anything to or for the other person. You don’t have to figure out what’s wrong and then how to change it. You don’t have to try to infuse them with love or healing. Instead, your job is to relax, become present with them in this moment, and make yourself available to feel. When you do that, your own energy opens to theirs in a unique way, and that energetic connection actually allows stress and tension held in their system to relax and release. (We’ll talk more about this in Part III.)

  It can be a foreign experience for us to simply “be.” Every neuron in our brains will be protesting, “C’mon! You’ve got to do something, say something, focus on something!” And this is where our wonderful pendulum steps up to help. Here’s what you can “do”: silently repeat to yourself, I’m clearing Disturbing Effects of Others, and watch the swinging pendulum. This is one of the benefits of using a pendulum—as a focusing tool, to help keep you present in the moment.

  As I said, you actually learn how to clear by doing clearings, and in the process, you’ll develop your ability to just “be”! Remember, you’re only in the initial stages right now, so trust that I’m here to guide you, and that soon you’ll feel comfortable and easy with this work.

  Watch the pendulum swing, be present, silently hold the thought I’m clearing Disturbing Effects of Others, and tune in to how you’re feeling. This is all you need to do in order for the clearing to proceed.

  What Are You Feeling?

  Stay aware of your feelings while the pendulum is swinging: Are there any minor changes in how you feel, even if they’re barely noticeable? When energy moves, it’s usually not a thunderbolt from the sky! Especially when you’re first learning, it’s something you’d probably never pay attention to, a little whisper of a hint of a shadow of a feeling inside. Later on, after you’ve gotten some practice, it’ll be much easier to know when you’re sensing some energy.

  Frankly, most people learning how to clear feel absolutely nothing. Then they think, Here I am, waving this silly dangly thing around and feeling zip, zero, nada. I knew I couldn’t do this. This is completely normal when you’re in these initial stages, and you may not feel anything for the first several weeks of practice. In fact, “feeling” is not required; whether or not you feel anything, you will still do a successful clearing.

  Still, there are a few reasons why it’s beneficial to pay attention to what feelings may come up when you’re doing a clearing. One is that this helps to open up your intuitive channels. A wonderful side effect of doing this work is that your intuitive abilities can really soar. This is because as you practice, your system is also learning a new way of being, operating on a different level from your everyday state of mind. Learning to drop into clearing mode allows you to access information from sources you’d normally not be open to.

  A second reason to notice what you’re feeling during a clearing is that the person you’re clearing may be able to confirm that this feeling does in fact have to do with their experience. You share that you just felt a wave of sadness, and they say, “I was just thinking about my dog who died last month.” Or you say, “Huh, my mouth keeps feeling very pinched and tense,” and they say, “My husband tells me I purse my lips all the time. I think I hold my tension in my mouth.” This can be a good confidence boost for you, knowing that what you’re sensing probably does relate to the person you’re clearing.

  Another important reason it’s helpful to tune in and feel things while you’re clearing is that it’s training you to notice in your own
life when you’re being affected by the energy from someone else! In the course of our everyday lives, we’re sponges for the energy around us, but we often don’t recognize when this is happening. You’re sitting at your desk and suddenly feel frustrated. You assume it’s because this project you’re working on isn’t progressing as quickly as you’d like. True, that might be part of it, but it could also be due to the fact that the person in the office next to yours has just had an angry phone call and is broadcasting their frustration through the wall into your space.

  Learning to feel subtle things during a clearing trains you to notice, in your own life, when you’ve just been hit with some energy that’s not yours. You’ll begin to recognize this earlier and earlier until you’ll know it the moment it happens. With that awareness alone, you are empowered to not take it on. You won’t have to whip out your pendulum in the middle of a staff meeting!

  Different Ways of Sensing When You Do a Clearing

  Although you may feel nothing while you’re still learning, after you get more practice, you may begin to notice feelings or impressions as you clear someone. We each have unique ways we sense things during a clearing. Some people tend to feel waves of emotions move through their awareness. Others have mostly physical sensations, such as a twinge or a warmth somewhere in their bodies. You may see colors in your mind’s eye, get images, or even hear words as you clear. A few people in workshops have found that song lyrics spontaneously came to mind that seemed to match the kinds of issues that were releasing!

  One woman was discouraged at first because she wasn’t getting any impressions. Then she suddenly realized that her sense of smell was her special talent. She was aware of different scents as she cleared but thought at first that it was just her imagination. We all soon became jealous of her ability to smell things like roses or chocolate cake with each field she cleared!