Clear Home, Clear Heart Page 16
“How often should I space-clear my house?”
In general, it’s good to clear your space about once a year. However, if you’ve been through an exceptionally stressful time, you could ask your pendulum if the space is in a clear and balanced state. If you get a “no,” then clear it! It will probably be a very quick session the second time around because you released so much previously.
Don’t make the mistake that some beginners do, anxiously wondering if the space clearing might not have been good enough and so doing a second one soon after. This can actually cause havoc in the space, such as appliances breaking down or people having sleep problems. The energy needs time to settle and integrate. One of the most important lessons we learn through clearing is to trust the process and allow things to unfold.
“I love the energy in my grandmother’s chair. I don’t want to get that cleared!”
Clearing releases only energy that’s stressed, that’s adversely affecting you in your space. Your grandmother’s chair is broadcasting beneficial energy, so don’t worry; you won’t lose the good juju!
“Should I go outside to clear in the garden?”
Our focus is on clearing the places where the people spend most of their time, so you aren’t required to clear in the garden. The land won’t hold much emotional residue because people aren’t dumping their feelings there each day. And nature has its own clearing system with the wind, sun, rain, and plants all keeping energy moving!
Most of the time, when you clear GS in the house, that can also clear it throughout the property. But if you’re an avid gardener, or want practice clearing, it can be a truly lovely experience to clear in the garden too!
“Is it okay for children to be present during a space clearing?”
I usually recommend that very small children be out of the house during a space clearing, but not because it’s dangerous for them. Kids are very sensitive to energy and can go into reaction as things start to shift. Their acting up could distract you and interrupt the clearing.
If you can’t do the clearing while the kids are at school or daycare, then have someone stay with them to keep them occupied the entire time you’re clearing. Don’t expect them to sit and watch a movie or play games on their own as they usually might!
“Can I do a space clearing if I’m ill?”
This isn’t advisable. Clearing a space is more demanding than clearing a person. People hold back; they release just a little bit at a time as they’re ready to. But an environment doesn’t have any such resistance! So it can be too demanding for your system if you’re physically compromised. It also takes longer to clear a place than a person, so if you’re ill, you need to save your time and energy for getting well. Wait until you’re healthy again, or bring someone else in to do the clearing.
“Can I just do a ‘general’ clearing of a house like I can do for a person?”
No, clearing a space is very different from clearing a person. If you tried to tune in to an entire house, you’d be opening up to far too much at one time, at least for your current level of knowledge. In my advanced trainings, you learn how to do remote space clearings, so you know how to manage how much energy you work with at any one time in a space.
However, for situations such as a hotel stay, you can just clear your hotel room; you don’t have to clear the entire hotel! The Discerning Energy Field that you set at the end will filter out any detrimental influences outside the walls of your room. You’ll probably be amazed at how well you sleep, especially after clearing the bed!
Another special situation during travel is when you’re on an airplane. You can do a general clearing of the seat as you sit in it. Just tune in and hold the thought that you’re clearing anything that would adversely affect you while you’re there. You can surreptitiously hold your pendulum between your knees so your seatmate doesn’t notice. You can also use a key ring as a temporary pendulum, and they’ll just think you’re fiddling with your keys. You may also find that clearing can often smooth out any turbulence if the plane starts to experience it!
Here’s an abbreviated step-by-step guide you can refer to when you do a space clearing. Please don’t use this shorthand version until you’ve read and understood the full information covered in Part II.
1. Preliminaries
Check to see if you’re switched. (Remember to continue to check frequently throughout the space clearing.)
Take a deep breath, relax, and become aware of your feelings.
Ask if it’s appropriate to proceed.
Ask: “Is the qi in this space in a clear and balanced state?”
If “no,” ask: “Is it more yin than yang?” Find out the general ratio of yin to yang.
Check to see if the qi is coming in the front door.
Ask: “Is the Primary Disturbance on this property?” If “yes,” locate and clear. If “no,” find out in which direction the Primary Disturbance lies; determine whether it’s due to emotion, geopathic stress, or technology; and then clear it from where you are.
Return to the front door and dowse to see if there is any change as to how the qi may be entering.
2. Qi Flow
Define your first search area, such as the foyer or the living room, and tell yourself you are now going to follow the flow of qi in that area.
Walk with your dowsing rod until it turns you in a spiral or zigzags to indicate that you’ve found some stressed emotion held in the space.
Clear the disturbance.
Face your dowsing rod forward and follow the qi flow again, clearing each area of stress as you find it.
When your dowsing rod has taken you through the entire room, then you’re ready to check for geopathic stress.
3. Geopathic Stress (GS)
Ask: “Is there any geopathic stress in this room affecting the people who live here?”
If “yes,” find out which of the three kinds of GS are present in the room: disturbed magnetic fields, faulting pressure, and/or stressed underground water.
Walk the width and length of the room, mapping out where the lines of GS exist.
For each one you locate, ask if it can be cleared. If “yes,” clear it, and then go on to do the same for the rest. Do not attempt to clear more than one line of GS at a time.
When you’re finished clearing GS in a room, the last thing to do is check the adverse effects of technology.
4. Technology
Ask: “Is there any technology in this room that’s adversely affecting the people who live here?”
If “yes,” point to each device or appliance and ask if clearing is needed.
Each time you get a “yes,” clear it. You can imagine the disturbing field shrinking back into the device, if you like.
5. Completion
Now return to following the qi flow, letting your dowsing rod take you out of the room you’ve just finished clearing and into another room in the house. Let the rod determine where you go next, because it’s following the energy.
Continue in the same way, room by room, through the rest of the house. In each room, clear emotional disturbances, GS, and adverse effects of technology, one by one as you find them, until you’ve been to each part of the space.
Ask: “Is the qi in this space in a clear and balanced state?”
If “no,” find the areas that still hold stress and clear them. If “yes,” continue on to do the personal clearings.
6. Personal Clearing
Do personal clearings for each of the people who live in the space. If you’re too tired, or if the people there are too tired at the end of the space clearing, you can do the personal clearings later in the day or the next day. You don’t have to meet in person—you can clear them remotely—but don’t wait longer than a day to do so.
7. Discerning Energy Field
Do the visualization to form the Discerning Energy Field.
So now that we’ve made the journey through learning the st
ep-by-step process of how to clear people and places, let’s look at what this all means for a deeper understanding of what happens when you can just “be” with some energy rather than trying to “do” something about it.
chapter 12
How and Why Does Clearing Work?
* * *
You’ve been learning powerful skills for how to clear energy. But as you’ve been doing this, something even more amazing is happening. You are being personally transformed in ways that are altering the course of the rest of your life. You’re not only experiencing a training in changing energy; in the process, you are gently but deeply changing your body, mind, spirit—and your future.
It’s like you’re getting rid of the old programming and installing a powerfully updated version! This is a training for your entire system, one that changes your relationship with your life, your relationship with all your experiences, and all your patterns of thought and emotion. It is transforming how you walk through the world from here.
To understand how and why this happens, we need to look more deeply at what’s really going on when you do a clearing. Let’s look at what we know:
You are both a receiver and transmitter of energy. You’re an open system in constant communication with your environment, affected by and affecting everything around you in ways that are often below your conscious awareness.
How are you affected by what you receive? You entrain to the energy in your surroundings, whether that’s the background music playing in the restaurant or the mood of the person sitting in the office next to yours. In other words, you change in response to the vibrations around you.
And not only do you make those adjustments, but in many cases, your system is stressed just by experiencing those energies. When you’re near someone who’s tense, it’s not only that you entrain to that tensed vibe. It’s also an unpleasant feeling to deal with, and that puts extra demands on your daily workload, tiring you out a little bit more each time it happens.
How are you affecting the world around you? You broadcast your thoughts, feelings, and personal history like a radio station. You’re running the same program day after day because of that continual story looping in your head. It’s a message that others receive and react to, which can keep you locked into having the same experiences in your relationships. Why do you seem to keep dating the same kind of person over and over, or have repetitive problems with people at work? The experiences you have with others are a mirror showing you what your personal radio station is broadcasting and how people respond to that information.
So you are both a receiver and transmitter. But aside from what’s happening in your external world, there’s a third truth here: your inner world is also a powerful influence on you. That Pig-Pen-like cloud around you consists not only of the energetic “grime” you’ve taken on from the people and places in your life but also all the baggage you’re carrying from your past: unresolved issues, self-defeating beliefs, old pain, all the “unloved” parts of you that you’ve not been able to embrace and integrate.
Why haven’t you been able to come to a place of peace with these various parts of your history? Because you hold a charge around these feelings; there’s tension built up in each one. Whenever you turn toward one, it hurts to touch that place. Then one of two things usually happens: you either quickly turn away to stop the feeling, or you get lost in it.
If you try to resist a feeling because it’s too uncomfortable, you suppress it and stuff it down with the belief that if you don’t allow yourself to feel it, you’ll stay safe from that stress. But every time you make that choice, it just increases the tension you hold around it and makes it even more stuck in your field.
On the other hand, if you get lost in a feeling, you let it overwhelm you. You get swept out to sea, and then it can take minutes, hours, or days to swim back to shore. Every time this happens, it strengthens the synapses in your brain associated with that response, increasing the likelihood you’ll get deeply lost in that emotion again the next time.
Whether they’re suppressed or empowered, these unloved pieces accumulate and build up to create a thick filter through which you view everything about yourself and others. It limits you, keeps you stuck in patterns of belief and behavior, and obscures your vision about the possibilities for your future. Your beautiful inner light can be hard to discern through the layers of that heavy cloud!
Well, Now How About Some Good News?!
So we know you’re affected by external energy. In your daily life, this is mostly a negative influence because you’re surrounded by people who are broadcasting tension and stress. But the important truth here is you’re affected by external energy! That means that if the external energy is welcoming, accepting, and kind, you will be affected in a positive way.
We know you affect others with your own energy. So all the work you’ve done on yourself to become a wise and loving person certainly does matter! But at the same time, you also communicate all the unhealthy beliefs you carry about yourself, and these transmit with a greater intensity. As you go through your normal day, anxious about money, stressed out about your weight, or feeling not good enough in so many ways, this all heavily colors the positive message you’re trying to convey to others. But if you could set all that aside even for a moment and be with another person from more of a peaceful space, your effect on them would be life enhancing, even healing.
Finally, we know that inner story you’re telling yourself is what’s keeping you continually creating your future based on your past. You’ve been repeating it to yourself for so many years now, it’s firmly engraved in your mind as reality. This is how you define yourself, what you believe your life to be; it’s the room you live in. But what if you had a way to step outside of the confines of that room, even momentarily? How might that change your view of what’s possible for you to become? What if you could even start breaking down its walls so you could eventually achieve a far more spacious place to stand in your life?
You’ve probably been trying to do that in various ways for years, but perhaps without as much progress as you’d like. You’re a smart person—if your brain could have figured a way out, you’d have done it long ago. But the problem is that you’re caught in this limiting world view that causes you to form solutions that are basically just a new version of the same thing. As Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” You need a way to step outside of the box you’re in. In other words, you need to stop running that program that keeps you reacting to things in the same way time after time, and therefore getting the same results.
I mentioned earlier that there are two common responses you have when a thought or feeling rises in your system: to suppress it or to get swept away in it. But there’s a third possible response: to allow it but not give it power. When you do that, it surfaces—and then moves on. This is a choice we rarely make, partly because we’ve not been taught how, but primarily because it’s not so easy to be objective about our own experience. It’s our feeling; it comes packaged with that energetic charge from our past.
But what if someone else was to tune in to allow that thought or emotion that holds tension for you? To them, it’s just a piece of information, just some energy. It has no charge for them because it’s not theirs. They didn’t have the stressful experience it’s associated with. It’s not connected to any issue from their past; it has a totally different energetic frequency than any of their own personal pain. So they don’t feel any impulse to resist it, and they certainly don’t get swept away in it. Instead, they can easily make that third choice—to just be aware of it, to allow it, but without going into reaction. As author Geneen Roth so rightly said, “All any feeling wants is to be welcomed with tenderness.”
This is what happens during a clearing. You connect with the energy of some stress in the other person’s system, but because you have no history with that feeling, it’s not challenging for you. So you can rel
ate to it in an entirely different way than they have been. And in that process, the act of your welcoming and witnessing it releases it, lets it finally relax and disappear. Like massaging a tense muscle, or unkinking a garden hose, the discomfort, the blockage, is gone.
When you sit down to do a personal clearing for someone, you are consciously connecting with their energy. It’s not like a situation in your regular life where you’re being unknowingly affected by them—here, you’re tuning in with a particular kind of awareness. There’s a defined agreement, and because they’ve said “yes” to a clearing, their energy just naturally opens to you without their even trying. Due to the training you’ve received, you’re purposefully opening to their energy in a calm, accepting frame of mind.
Then, as you pick up the pendulum, you drop into an additional state of being, potentially with all your brainwaves active at the same time and your consciousness automatically scanning for information. When your pendulum indicates you’ve located an area of stress held in that person’s energy, it means you’ve encountered something “unloved” in their system. It’s some tension held around an experience they had in the past, or a piece of their drama they so firmly believe is real, or a feeling they’re resisting because it’s too painful.
As you allow that feeling, as you greet it without resisting it or fueling it, it’s no longer locked in place; it just moves on. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re not feeling anything when you do a clearing. You actually are; it’s just that it’s happening beneath your conscious awareness. The effect is still the same.
Another way to look at what may be going on during a clearing is to understand that your two energies naturally entrain. We can look further at definitions of entrainment here to help us understand.
In physics, it’s described as when one system slows down and the other accelerates until their frequencies are identical. This is because there’s an energy transfer between them that they respond to by establishing a more and more stable relationship, and so they end up in a matching rhythm.