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Clear Home, Clear Heart Page 15
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What concerns me more is that I usually find that the person who made the device is not so conscious and aware! Instead, along with their sincerely good intentions, infused in this little object is also a thick gob of their energy, so it’s broadcasting some of their personal drama to you every time you wear it or hold it close to you. So instead of being shielded from disturbing effects of EMFs, you’re actually being subjected to the disturbing effects of their personality radiating from the product!
Special objects that supposedly protect you or fix a problem come from a very superficial understanding of energy. For one thing, it never works to try to be a technician, tinkering to force a desired change with some external contraption. This narrow outlook is also based on a fear-based judgment that you have to “protect” yourself from something “bad.” This is a very simplistic view that doesn’t recognize there is no bad or good energy; it’s how we react to it that matters.
When you clear the adverse effects of a device, for instance, it actually transforms how your system reacts to the EMFs. This recognizes and respects the complex interrelationships among all things. When you clear the disturbing effects of anything in your environment, you’re simultaneously training your system to stay in balance no matter what energy you encounter. Then there’s no need to purchase products to “protect” you!
Trust and Respect the Power of This Work
Especially while you’re first learning, pace yourself and don’t push forward if you get tired. Check frequently to see if you’re switched, and trust what your pendulum tells you. Your energetic system is learning a new way of being, and you need to allow yourself time to develop your abilities.
Watch out for how your desire to help can make you try too hard or take on too much. If you’re reading this book, we already know you’re a kind person who wants to make this world a better place! But your drive to help can make you disregard the protocol and end up causing you problems.
Teresa came to a clearing retreat and was inspired when she learned how to clear her cell phone. Think of all the people in the world who don’t know they’re being stressed by their cell phones, she mused. I should help ease their suffering! So she decided to clear all the cell phones in the world—all at once. She immediately got sick and spent the rest of the retreat in bed.
Just because you can’t see anything visibly going on when you’re clearing doesn’t mean something powerful isn’t happening. When Teresa opened up to clear all the cell phones in the world, it was too much for her. I can’t emphasize enough that you have to respect the power and trust the process of this work.
chapter 11
Final Stages of the Space Clearing
* * *
As you complete the space clearing, don’t forget the hallways, stairs, bathrooms, and the basement; any areas you spend time in. You don’t need to climb into the closets, however! The clearing you do in the rooms will include what’s in the closets. If something stored in a closet holds disturbed energy, your rod will spin right outside the closet door. If you’re curious, you can ask your pendulum where the imbalance is: whether it’s held in the spot you’re standing, or if it’s something inside the closet next to you that has stressed energy.
Furniture and objects on display can also transmit energy, of course, so if your dowsing rod indicates stress in a certain spot in the room, it could be that a chair or a memento on the shelf next to you is emanating information that’s bothersome. I once cleared a psychiatrist’s home and my dowsing rod spun next to each of three oil paintings in his den. “Those were done by a psychotic patient of mine as a thank-you for his treatment,” he said. “I’ve never liked them, but I felt obligated to display them.” Yikes! The artwork was radiating out disturbed energy imprinted by his patient as he created them. I’d have preferred that my client just take them down, since he didn’t like them, but at least after the clearing their energy was no longer adversely affecting him!
Most garages don’t require much attention because you probably don’t spend time there, but if personal possessions are stored there that hold energy from your past, it’s likely your dowsing rod will lead you there to clear them. If your garage has living space above it, check for GS there because it’ll probably be radiating into that upper floor.
Is the Energy in a Clear and Balanced State?
After you’ve gone through every area of the house and cleared emotional residue, geopathic stress, and the adverse effects of technology—congratulations! Take a nice deep breath and have a seat! Then ask your pendulum, “Is the energy in this space in a clear and balanced state?” If “yes,” hooray, you can move on to the final stages described on the following pages.
You’ll almost always get a “yes” to that question. But if you get a “no,” don’t worry. It just means that somewhere in the house there’s a little bit more to clear. It’s not unusual to have this happen while you’re still learning this work. You can then ask your pendulum, “Is there still something to clear on the main floor?” If you get a “no,” then ask about the other floors till you get a “yes.”
As you keep your mind focused on the thought that you’re looking for the energy that still needs clearing, use your dowsing rod to find it, being aware that it may take you there on a bit of a wandering route. The rod will turn sharply or spin you in a spiral when you reach the spot. Ask if it’s due to emotional residue or GS or technology; then clear it.
Once you’re done, ask again with the pendulum, “Is this space in a clear and balanced state?” If you still get a “no,” just repeat the same process again until you get a “yes” to that question. It’s important to phrase the question this way rather than as “Am I done yet?” or “Is there anything more to clear?” because it’s too easy to get lost in doubting yourself, overthinking, and going back to check and recheck. And when that happens, it’s less and less likely you’ll get accurate answers from your dowsing tools. So just ask that one simple question and you’ll be able to stay on track.
Personal Clearings
Your space is now filling with a new vibrant energy, the qi flowing beautifully to provide the most nourishing and harmonious environment for your personal life journey! However, we can’t ignore the fact that you and everyone living in the space are used to the old vibration. Yes, you sincerely want change, but what happens for all of us is that we get accustomed to the energy of our home. Even though we know there’s stagnation or imbalance, it’s our comfort zone. It’s what we know, and although we want things to be different, our systems can unconsciously resist the new quality of energy. So unless we’re brought into coherence with the new frequency of the space, we can bring it back down to the old comfort zone, even within days of the space clearing.
So, after a space clearing, it’s essential to clear the people! Once your pendulum tells you the space is in a clear and balanced state, then do personal clearings for everyone who lives there. If you run out of time or feel too tired, you can wait till later to do so, but don’t put it off for more than one day. (If you cleared a friend’s house and can’t go back to meet with them in person, you can clear them from a distance.) Once the space and the beings in it are in coherence, life is full of new possibilities!
The Final Step: Placing the Discerning Energy Field (DEF)
You’ve cleared your home and the people in it, but what about anything outside the house that might be infiltrating to stress your system? What if there’s a cell phone tower nearby that’s affecting you in your space? What if you live down the street from a medical clinic, and the broadcast of energy from the staff and patients is strong enough that it’s impacting you in your home? Or what if you just have a cranky neighbor who’s sending negative thoughts into your space? There can be any number of factors outside your property that can influence you inside your house, and for this reason, the last step in any space clearing is to place what’s called a Discerning Energy Field (DEF) around the house.
The DEF is not a protective bubble ar
ound you that keeps everything out. We don’t want to shrink-wrap your house! Instead, you can imagine a beautiful golden filter glowing around your home, which screens out what would be detrimental for you but allows in what will be beneficial for your growth. It doesn’t block out any difficult experiences that would advance your personal evolution—as we all know, many of our life challenges turn out to be invaluable for our development.
To set the DEF, you can simply imagine it forming, beginning as a tiny glow in the center of the house and expanding outward to encompass the entire property, but it can be a lovely experience to do a meditation instead. If you’re doing the space clearing for a friend, it can be a beautiful ending to the session to lead them in a visualization to participate in forming the field. The following is one version you can use.
Guided Meditation to Set the Discerning Energy Field
Sit quietly and comfortably, and take a few deep breaths. Now imagine a spiral of beautiful golden loving light start to form in front of you. Picture this glowing light begin to slowly move toward you, and feel the gentle warmth and loving energy getting stronger. The closer the golden light gets to you, the more love you feel emanating from it.
Imagine now that you’re stepping into the center of this energy field, letting it completely envelop you, wrapping you in this warm swirling light. Feel it embrace you and begin to fill your heart with love until your heart feels so full that it could overflow.
Take another deep breath, and now let this spiraling light overflow from your heart; feel it stream through your chest and down into your arms and hands and fingers. At the same time, it moves up your neck to warm your face and head. Then let it move down through your chest and into your lower body, your hips, down your legs, all the way to the tips of your toes. Your entire body is filled with warm, golden, loving light.
And now let this energy start to radiate out to fill the space around your body like a shining aura. Take a nice, deep breath. Then feel it begin to expand out to slowly fill the room, reaching every corner, every nook and cranny. Let it touch the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. When the room is full, the light begins to spread through the entire house, filling it completely with the bright glow of love. Take a few moments to imagine it now, swirling throughout the whole house.
When the house is full, imagine this golden radiance bursting out through the doors, the windows, and the roof to form a great field of light surrounding your home. Let it gradually grow to encompass the entire neighborhood if that feels right, and even larger if you want.
Now slowly bring this beautiful, pure luminosity back to surround just your property and your house, its outer edge stopping at the boundary of your land. Know that this will remain as a Discerning Energy Field to support and sustain the results of the clearing. It will act as a filter to screen out what is not needed for your personal growth, but allow in anything that you need in your life’s journey.
Now take another deep breath, and feel your awareness returning back inside the house and then back to your own body. Feel the weight of your bottom in the seat of the chair, your feet on the ground. One more deep breath, and let yourself feel the peace and beauty of your home around you.
This is often a special experience for everyone that contributes to a real sense of the sacred in the space. After a few moments of quiet, you might explain to them that they can use this meditation again at any time to help refresh the energy in the space. Each time they do it, it not only resets and strengthens the Discerning Energy Field but also makes them feel more connected to the spirit of their home.
This can be important because it’s the responsibility of the people living in the house to maintain the integrity of the space clearing. In other words, the clearing you just performed opened up all kinds of new possibilities and opportunities for their lives and has even created a new template in which they could frame their experiences. They can seize the chance to remain at that level and even keep improving from there, or they could regress and start filling the space with their own personal dramas again.
Checking the Status of the DEF
The effects of most space clearings last at least a year. I’ve checked back on many I did years ago and the energy is still holding. But if the people living there choose to continue as they have in the past, the clearing may last only a few months or so. Or if something really difficult or traumatic happens there later on, it can of course create new imbalance.
After some time has passed since the clearing, you can use your dowsing rod to check the status of the Discerning Energy Field. This is an interesting exercise that provides a visual to see how well the new energy is holding.
Stand inside the front door and start to walk toward the street, telling yourself you’re looking for the outer boundary of the DEF. If the rod turns before you reach the property line, it means the DEF has started to shrink; the clearing is not holding. Sometimes you’ll find the boundary’s on the front porch, or even just inside the front door—or you won’t find it at all.
If the DEF shrinks, this can be an indication that emotions have been building up inside again, or it may even be there’s some new GS or technology affecting the space. Sometimes all you have to do is repeat the DEF meditation to bring balance back. Other times it may require a new space clearing, but it probably won’t take very long, since you’d cleared it so recently!
Michael’s Space Clearing
One of the most profoundly moving space clearings I did was for Michael, a 27-year-old man who’d been diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 18. He’d been a very talented, creative teen with a high IQ and a brilliant future. Then the illness devastated his life. When I met him, he was severely overweight, heavily medicated, and often on suicide watch.
His mother was the one who asked me to do the clearing in the hope it could help the situation. For the past year, his mother had tried to let Michael live on his own, renting a small house for him, though she had to come each day to make sure he was okay. But the experiment was failing. His sense of reality was severely distorted, and he wasn’t making good choices. He’d let street people live with him who’d done drugs in the house and were abusive to him.
When I arrived and evaluated Michael, I really doubted I could have much impact on what was obviously a very bad situation. He was barely lucid and often didn’t understand what I was saying even though I spoke slowly and simply. Using my Chinese face-reading skills, I could tell he was extremely sensitive to subtle energy, and so as I started clearing, I kept it very gentle so the shifts wouldn’t be too difficult for him to feel. But even then, he soon felt overwhelmed and could only sit in a chair and watch me.
The living room was intensely full of imbalances, and I got vivid images of disturbed people sleeping on the floor and hanging out. My dowsing rod spun like crazy by the couch, and Michael’s mother said, “That’s where those people shot up drugs.”
As I walked along one of the walls, I got a sensation that’s become familiar to me as an indicator that there’s a ghost in the space. I often use my hand as a sensing instrument in addition to my dowsing rod because I can feel energy, and it helps me get more information about a disturbance. When I encounter a ghost, I sometimes feel what’s like a spherical shape, and that’s what I felt pressed up against the wall. It was almost as if he was trying to be flat enough that I didn’t notice him!
As Michael observed me, he said, “Ask him if his name is Henry.” He could see the ghost; he knew he was there, even though I hadn’t commented out loud that I’d found one. This was a very sensitive young man. Well, the ghost’s name wasn’t Henry, but he was definitely stuck there in the house and actually very eager to find freedom, as most ghosts are. It took only a few moments for him to transform and disappear from the space.
I continued to clear the rest of the house, discovering both massive geopathic stress and technology adversely affecting Michael’s sensitive system. He began to feel so overcome by all the energy changes that he went to
lie down in bed. At the end, I asked him if he felt well enough for me to do a personal clearing for him, and he shyly said, “Oh yes, please, as long as you don’t mind if I just lie here.” This was such a lovely guy, and my heart went out to him.
I sat at Michael’s bedside, and as I began to clear, it felt like the boundaries of my heart and mind and entire energy system shot wide open. It was as if light from heaven flowed through me and into him. I was no longer there; it was just God’s love streaming into Michael. It was one of the most remarkable experiences I’ve had with clearing. But even after that amazing time, I left wondering if I’d been any help at all. This was such a dire situation that I doubted simple energy work could make a dent.
Several weeks later, I got a voice mail. The man’s voice seemed only vaguely familiar, but then he said his name: Michael. Instead of sounding barely lucid, he was articulate and energized: “Jean, I just wanted to thank you for all your help. Since you did the clearing, I’m now off all my meds, and I’ve lost 60 pounds. My mother no longer has to check on me every day, and she’s taking her first vacation in 10 years. And I won a poetry competition that gave me a scholarship to a program I’m on my way to right now. I can’t thank you enough!”
Who knows how much, if anything, the space clearing contributed to this transformation for Michael. We can never know what will happen as a result of a clearing, nor can we claim credit. But in that moment, all that mattered to my heart was this beautiful guy’s life had gotten so much better.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Just like with learning personal clearing, there are common questions I get at this point in the training. So on the following pages, you’ll find some helpful advice and answers to some questions you may have been wanting to ask!