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Clear Home, Clear Heart Page 14

  So let’s explore a room in your house now, and clear the adverse effects of any stressed earth energies there. Looking for GS is different from looking for emotional disturbances held in the space. Instead of taking your dowsing rod and concentrating on following the qi flow, you first take out your pendulum and ask a few questions.

  1. Ask: “Is there any geopathic stress in this room?”

  Not all rooms will be affected by GS. If you get a “no,” try another room or area of your house until you get a “yes.”

  2. When you get a “yes,” the next step is to find out which of the three types of GS there are in this space.

  It’s possible to have all three kinds of GS in a room, but you’ll be clearing each kind one by one. Ask each of the following questions separately, and note whether you get a “yes” or “no” for each one:

  “Are there any disturbed magnetic fields?”

  “Is there any faulting pressure?”

  “Is there any stressed underground water?”

  These three questions are actually the short versions of what we really mean when we ask about GS. As you’re first learning, it can help to start out by asking the longer version of each question, listed below:

  “Are there any disturbed magnetic fields in this room that are adversely affecting the people who live here?”

  “Is there faulting pressure in this room that is adversely affecting the people who live here?”

  “Is there any naturally occurring underground water here that is adversely affecting the people who live here?” (You have to hold in mind that you’re looking for “naturally occurring underground water”—otherwise, your dowsing rod might locate all the plumbing in the house!)

  Do you see the difference between the short and long versions of the question? Because we each have different sensitivities to earth energies, if you ask only whether there’s a “disturbed magnetic field,” for example, you might unconsciously tune into one that would bother you—but it might not be one that your friend would be sensitive to. If you’re doing a space clearing for a friend, when you look for GS in their house, you need to look for GS that is adversely affecting your friend, not you. Since this is their house, you need to be dowsing and clearing for their well-being there, not yours!

  It is so important to hold a focused thought in mind when you’re dowsing because if you’re not asking the right question, you won’t get the right answer! Once you have some experience, your system will have been trained to automatically know what you mean when you ask the shorter questions, but you get to that point by first using the longer versions.

  3. Once you know what kinds of GS are in a room, you need to locate them.

  Let’s say you got a “yes” when you asked your pendulum if there were any disturbed magnetic fields. Take your dowsing rod and walk slowly in a straight line across the width of the room, telling yourself that you’re looking for a disturbed magnetic field.

  4. If your rod turns as you walk, then pause and either remember that spot or place a marker there so you can find it again.

  If there is a field running across the room, then as you reach that spot, your rod will turn. You can imagine the field like an invisible wall of energy rising up from the floor, and when your rod encounters it, it’ll be as if bumping into the wall makes it turn.

  5. Straighten your rod so it faces forward again, and continue dowsing till you reach the opposite wall.

  You may or may not find more stressed magnetic fields; if you do, be sure to note each one.

  6. Then walk slowly across the length of the room in the same way.

  This will allow you to find any stressed magnetic fields that may be running in the other direction. Mark any places the rod turns here as well.

  You have now mapped out where stressed magnetic fields are affecting you in this room. You may not discover very many; it’s common to find only one or two.

  Walk the width and length of the room to find lines of geopathic stress.

  7. Stand on one of the spots where your rod turned to indicate a disturbed field. Take a moment to tune in and see how you feel.

  You normally wouldn’t be aware of feeling anything, but now that you’re getting used to accessing information in a different way, don’t be surprised if you feel a sensation in your body or just notice that something seems a bit off.

  It’s valuable to practice sensing the energy in this way because it’s likely that you’ll get the same feeling every time in the future that you encounter a disturbed magnetic field (or whatever GS you’re dowsing for). Pretty soon, you’ll need only a dowsing rod to confirm your findings because your body will have already told you something’s there!

  8. Now you must find out if the field can be cleared. Ask your pendulum, “Can this disturbance be cleared?”

  When you were clearing old emotions held in the space, you didn’t need to ask if they could be cleared; you just cleared them. But this is a different situation. Sometimes the earth needs to emit a certain vibration in a spot and it’s not possible to clear its influence. This rarely happens, but if you don’t check, you could be standing there trying to clear it, your pendulum swinging and swinging, while you’re wondering what’s taking so long!

  If you get a “yes”:

  Then go ahead and clear it just like you’d clear any other stress. Pay attention to how you feel as the clearing happens and you may notice the energy shift! Earth energy is stronger than most other kinds, so it’s a good opportunity to practice your sensing skills. If you’re very sensitive, however, you might not want to stand directly on the magnetic line, but instead stand back a few feet. This isn’t because there’s any danger, but just because it might be too intense for you to be comfortable feeling it. You don’t have to be physically in contact with the field for the clearing to be effective.

  If you get a “no”:

  Very rarely, you’ll get a “no,” indicating that this field can’t be cleared because the earth needs it to be there. In that case, you have a couple of choices. If the line of energy doesn’t run under an important place in the house, you can just let it stay there. If it’s not in a place where you spend a lot of time, like your bed, desk, or couch, then it’s not affecting you very often and there’s little concern. In that case, you can just let it be.

  But if this line does run under your bed, for example, we don’t want it stressing you each night as you sleep. In a situation like this, you can make a friendly request of the earth, asking if it would be so kind as to move the field just a few feet away so it’s no longer affecting you in the same way. You ask your pendulum, “Can this field be moved away from the bed?”

  If you get a “yes,” just start clearing as usual, and the pendulum will indicate when it’s complete. (In cases like these, I almost always get a “yes.”) Usually, the line moves enough of a distance from its original position; for instance, to an outside wall or into the closet, so that it’s no longer in a troublesome place. If you’d like, you can use the dowsing rod to check its new position.

  If, however, you get a “no,” that this line of energy cannot be shifted, then you might want to consider moving your bed so the field is no longer beneath you as you sleep. Again, it’s highly unusual for this situation to occur. Almost always, fields can be cleared or moved.

  9. If you found more than one stressed magnetic line in the room, go ahead and clear the rest, one by one, in the same way.

  Never try to clear more than one at a time; earth energy is very powerful, and it’d be too demanding on your system to tune in to more than one at a time.

  10. If your pendulum told you there was also underground water and/or faulting pressure that was adversely affecting you in this room, repeat the same process for the other forms of GS.

  Here’s some good news: You only have to look for GS on the main floor of your house. You don’t have to search for it on the upper floors because if you’ve cleared it on the main floor, it’s no longer radiating up into
the house. Stress is being broadcast from the earth under the building, so once it’s cleared on the lower level, it’s no longer affecting the space.

  If you have a basement, you might think that you should clear GS there instead of the main floor. However, in many cases, the footprint of the basement is not as large as the floor above it, so if you dowse there, you could miss areas of GS that are affecting the living area above. On that same note, if a floor above the main one extends beyond its footprint, you should dowse for GS in those areas.

  Pace Yourself

  When we open up to the energy of the earth, it’s different from connecting to the energy of a person or some human emotions left in a space. People hold back; they’ll release only a little at a time. The intensity of an emotion stuck in a room is nowhere near as powerful as GS—the earth does not hold back!

  So when you’re working consciously with earth energies, you’re working with stronger information. It can be more tiring than working with people’s energies. Do not disregard the instruction to clear only one line of GS at a time. If you try to clear all the GS in a room all at once, you’re going to end up exhausted, or the clearing won’t be complete. Be sure to frequently check to see if you’re switched, and if the pendulum does indicate this, believe it.

  And remember to pace yourself! Listen to your body. If you’re starting to feel tired, then take a break, drink some water, have a meal or a rest, and then come back later. You need to allow yourself time to build your muscles with this work. It doesn’t matter if you stop halfway through the space clearing—the house’s energy won’t be lopsided! You’ve brought back some balance, and things are correspondingly better.

  You now know how to locate and clear emotional stress and imbalanced earth energies in any environment, but there’s one more important factor in clearing a space. Next we’ll see how you can avoid being stressed by the invisible effects of modern technology.

  chapter 10

  How to Clear Adverse Effects of Technology

  * * *

  Keith couldn’t figure it out. He’d always been the family cook and looked forward to coming home at the end of the day to make dinner. But ever since they’d moved to their new house, he didn’t even want to go in the kitchen. More and more, he was just stopping to get takeout on the way home, and everyone was complaining that they missed his cooking.

  Keith explained all this to me as I cleared their house, and when I arrived at the kitchen, I said, “Let’s try an experiment.” I stepped far back into the dining room and, holding my dowsing rod, I said, “Show me how close Keith can get to the stove before he’s adversely affected by its electromagnetic field.” I slowly walked toward the kitchen, and the moment I stepped in the doorway, the rod turned.

  In their previous house, the stove had been gas, which didn’t use anywhere near the same amount of current as this electric one in their new house. And from 10 feet away, Keith’s system began to be stressed by its electromagnetic field (EMF). On an unconscious level, his body told him it didn’t feel good near the stove, and this was why he had an aversion to even going into the kitchen. His arms weren’t long enough to cook there without feeling uncomfortable!

  Everyone has a different sensitivity to EMFs. When I did the same experiment to see how close Hannah, Keith’s wife, could get to the stove, I could walk right up to it. But that didn’t mean Hannah had to take on the job of chief cook! Just like the other kinds of energy in the house, adverse effects of EMFs can be cleared. And a few days after the space clearing, I got an e-mail from Hannah: “The world is right again—we’re back to my husband’s home-cooked dinners!”

  The Adverse Effects of Technology

  In a space clearing, the third kind of energy you work with is the invisible energy of technology. We have all this wonderful technology that makes life easy and enjoyable: appliances, TVs, computers, cell phones, and an ever-increasing number of fun devices. And that’s a good thing; it shows we’re evolving and improving our lives in many ways. But you could say the human body is evolving at a different rate, and it’s not able to adapt so quickly to some of the effects of technology.

  All these various contraptions that use electrical current emit some degree of EMFs. Others, such as microwave ovens and cell phones, also emit microwave radiation. These stress the human system in varying ways and because we’re surrounded by so many all day long, we’re all dealing with a constant background stress.

  There have been many studies about how these things affect us, with results that can be scary or reassuring. Some research says our health can be affected by cell phone use, for instance, while others say it’s not a problem at all. I wonder if the news we get depends on the organization funding the study!

  Everyone has a different level of sensitivity to technology. Some people are not very impacted. For others, the effects can be so disabling they have to seek refuge by trying to live off the grid. However, no matter what your sensitivity, you’re now empowered to do something about it: you can clear. For example, you can discover if the EMF from your hair dryer is stressing your system every morning as you use it, and then you can clear that negative influence. This doesn’t mean the EMF will no longer be there! Rather, that it’ll no longer affect you in the same way.

  So as you do a space clearing in every room, also ask if there are any adverse effects of technology on the people living there. If you get a “yes,” then point to each device and ask if it needs to be cleared. If “yes,” clear it, and your pendulum will indicate when the clearing is complete.

  As you clear the negative influence of technology in the space, you might also ask your pendulum if your home’s wireless system or the smart meter on the exterior wall of your home is disturbing your energy. As I said, we each have different levels of sensitivity to these kinds of things. You may not be adversely affected at all, but it’s good to check.

  Let’s practice one aspect of this type of clearing now.

  Exercise: Practice Clearing EMFs

  Here’s what to do to clear the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields:

  1. Choose a room in the house where there’s something that plugs in.

  While you’re still learning, I’d recommend not starting in the kitchen, as there are probably so many appliances there that your mind can get distracted by all the various sources of EMFs. Perhaps start in your bedroom, where there might be only a few things, such as a TV, table lamp, or cell phone charger.

  2. Ask your pendulum, “Are there any electromagnetic fields in this room that are adversely affecting the people who live here?”

  3. If you get a “yes,” point at one of the objects and ask, “Does its EMF need to be cleared?”

  4. If you get a “yes,” then go into clearing mode as usual.

  You can hold in mind that you’re clearing the disturbing effects of the EMF from this appliance. It might help to visualize the disturbing field shrinking back into the device until it’s contained inside. The pendulum will indicate when you’re done.

  5. Be sure to clear one device at a time.

  If you stand in the room and try to clear everything there at once, it can be overwhelming for you. One of the most difficult things about clearing is learning to respect what a powerful experience it is to open to and work with the invisible energy around you. Don’t take shortcuts!

  Clearing the Adverse Effects of Microwave Radiation

  Besides EMFs, it’s good to check for microwave radiation from your microwave oven or cell phone. The process is exactly the same; you just slightly alter the question. For instance, in the kitchen, point at the microwave oven and ask, “Does its microwave radiation need to be cleared of the adverse effects on the people who use it?” With your own cell phone, ask, “Am I being adversely affected by the radiation from this phone?” (For someone else’s cell phone, remember to ask if they are being adversely affected, not you.) If you get a “yes,” then clear.

  For things you use frequently, such as your computer
or cell phone, it can be an interesting exercise to first test how much they’re affecting you before you clear them, just as I did for Keith and the stove. For example:

  Take your dowsing rod and stand some distance away from your computer. Give yourself plenty of space; you might even want to stand in the next room.

  Tell your rod to indicate when it reaches the point where the computer’s EMF starts stressing you.

  Walk slowly toward the computer; when the rod turns, you know that beyond that line you’ll be adversely affected. You may be surprised at how far away that is!

  It’s amazing how powerful clearing can be here. In one clearing workshop, a chiropractor listened to his voice mail before he practiced clearing his cell phone. There were seven frantic messages from patients asking for the earliest possible appointment as they were in such pain. Then he participated in the exercise of clearing his phone. When he got home later that evening and finally picked up his phone to return his patients’ calls, he was astonished to find seven new voice mails from these people. They all said that things had changed; their pain was gone, so they could wait till their next scheduled appointment! Clearing the phone may have also extended out through the ethers to clear his patients as well.

  There’s No Need to Spend Money on Products

  Over the past several years, various products have come on the market that claim to block the detrimental influences of computers, cell phones, etc. For instance, sometimes it’s a crystal you’re supposed to hang around your neck, or a little object you stick to your phone. What I’ve found is that the effectiveness of these things is extremely limited, as it depends on the level of consciousness of the person who made the device. If they’re highly evolved and aware, then some of that energy has been inserted into the device and will benefit you for a certain amount of time and then wear off. I find that most of these things have a minor effect for a little while and then are useless.