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  As it turned out, Peter’s mother had been famous within the community for wearing fire-engine-red lipstick as well as constantly holding her mouth pursed in a very contorted way. This negative, unhappy woman had disapproved of their marriage. She’d hated Marie and made sure everyone knew about it till the day she died. Of course, this was her rocking chair and her ghost was actually sitting in that chair. Her attachment to her son and hatred of his wife had kept her from passing on.

  Marie said, “I knew it! We both can feel her every night, rocking in that chair, glaring at us in bed! Can you please clear her?”

  As I stood there clearing, I felt the mother’s resistance and anger gradually start to transform. Then suddenly, in what felt like a bubble popping, her presence disappeared in an instant. I turned to look at Peter and Marie, and their mouths were hanging open. They’d felt it too.

  If I’d allowed my fear of looking stupid to stop me from sharing what I was seeing, I would not have had this confidence-boosting experience, and Peter and Marie would have been deprived of the confirmation that what they’d been feeling was not just in their imagination. So if an emotion, sensation, or impression comes to you when you’re doing a space clearing, try not to worry about how silly or inconsequential it may seem. Just like in a personal clearing, share the raw information without trying to interpret it, and you might be surprised at what you find out!


  You may feel nervous at the thought of finding a ghost in a space! It can bring up all kinds of scary ideas about spirits intending you harm. So let’s have a talk about what a ghost really is.

  First of all, there’s a range to the kind of energies that can get stuck in a space from someone who used to live there, but most of them have nothing to do with a ghost. There is the usual emotional residue, which is what the dowsing rod finds when you follow the qi flow. There can even be what’s like a “memory imprint” from someone who lived in the space over many years. If you’re sensitive, this can be something you distinctly sense as you do a clearing. But you’ll still find it even if you don’t feel anything. Your rod will spin when it comes across this imprint because it’s like the other psychic house dust that’s interfering with the qi flow. It can feel like a stronger disturbance than the others, and you may even wonder if it’s a ghost—but it’s not.

  For instance, I once cleared a house where the previous owner had been a piano teacher. For 30 years, she’d given lessons in her living room, sitting on that piano bench day after day, doing the same thing over and over. When I reached the part of the room where the piano had been, it was almost like a movie running in that spot. I could see her and feel how her repeated thoughts and behavior had engraved themselves in the space. But she wasn’t there, just the deep imprint of her energy.

  A ghost is different. A ghost is someone’s spirit that is stuck in the space. Their body died, but their spirit didn’t successfully pass over; this can happen for a variety of reasons. They may be so attached to the place or the people they care about that they can’t leave as they should. They may be confused and not even realize they’re dead because they died so suddenly and don’t understand what happened.

  No matter the reason, when someone’s spirit is caught here, they need help to get free, to pass over. It’s never right that someone can’t move on after death; their time on earth is over and they’re not meant to stay here. Clearing can help liberate them to move on and complete their soul’s journey.

  If you encounter a ghost when you’re space-clearing, what will usually happen is that the ghost will run away from you. They’re confused and probably frightened, and when they see you, all bright and shiny, dangling your pendulum and waving your dowsing rod around, that can scare them! So, especially in the early stages of learning to clear, you likely won’t come across a ghost, even if there is one. They’ll hide from you, or go for a walk around the block till you’re gone!

  And if you’re afraid to discover a ghost because you don’t feel prepared to deal with it, rest assured that you won’t even find one. With clearing, you will find only disturbances that you are able to clear. The rest will be beyond your awareness.

  Know that, just because there’s been a death in a house, that doesn’t mean there’s a ghost there or that the house will have a high level of disturbed energy. Death is a natural part of life, and many homes have been lived in by people who passed away there after a long, happy life. So you don’t have to be afraid of clearing a house where someone has died; it doesn’t mean you’ll encounter unusual problems. If anything, you’ll clear any suffering they endured or the grief of the people they left behind. It can be a very sacred experience to clear a house after a death.

  How to Clear a Ghost

  To clear a ghost, you don’t chase it around the place with your dowsing rod, yelling, “Wait, I can help you!” Once you’re experienced with this work and can easily stay in clearing mode, what will usually happen is that, after the ghost has a chance to check you out, it’ll come to you. In other words, it will sense the soft and mindful way of being that you’re holding as you work, and it will start to trust you, feel safer, and then be drawn to you. When you clear a ghost, you often do experience a profoundly beautiful sensation as they pass. Once you’ve cleared a ghost, you’ll hope to do it again soon!

  For example, once I took a group of advanced students on a field trip to practice space clearing in an old Victorian hotel. What they didn’t know is that 80 years before, an old woman named Agnes was murdered there, and the employees believed she had haunted the place ever since. They said Agnes played tricks on them, locking cleaning staff in the rooms and making noises to frighten guests.

  Several of the students discovered Agnes with their dowsing rods but by the time they pulled out their pendulums to clear her, she was gone, having run away to hide again. Finally, we gathered as a group in a hallway, and I explained that all we needed to do was take out our pendulums and just go into clearing mode.

  After a few minutes, at the far end of the hall, I saw a faint image of Agnes; she semi-materialized and stood there, watching us. As we maintained that openhearted state, she drew closer and closer until she was standing right next to me. Then I felt her slowly start to relax; I heard her take a deep, slow breath and she faded away. In the next moment a huge wave of what felt like joy and gratitude swept over all of us as she seemed to say her thanks and good-bye.

  As you’ve followed the qi flow and cleared emotional stress held in the space, you’ve already deeply transformed the vibrations of your home. But there are other ways that the energy in your environment can need clearing. Next, we’ll look at how the earth underneath your feet may need some loving kindness too!

  Chapter 9

  How to Clear Geopathic Stress

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  The energy of the earth beneath your home can also affect your experience there. The earth has natural meridians of energy running through it just like your body does, and if these become stressed, they can radiate that disturbed information up into your space. This can affect everything from the quality of your sleep to your ability to focus at your desk—and even your overall sense of well-being.

  When the energy of the earth is out of balance, it’s called geopathic stress (GS). “Geo” means earth and “pathic” means suffering, so this term conveys that the earth is suffering. And often the suffering of the earth is caused by the people living on it! For example, when a new shopping center or subdivision is built, they dig into the earth, cutting into the lines of energy that naturally run there. Slicing through the ground can alter the flow of life-force there; then, instead of healthy qi moving in the land, the qi becomes out of balance. This can affect the energy throughout the neighborhood, broadcasting stress horizontally along the lines as well as upward, possibly into your home or business.

  I was once brought in to do a space clearing for a business that had been experiencing problems ever since moving into new headquarters. Their large suite of of
fices had originally belonged to a company that had gone bankrupt. They’d even purchased all the furniture of the failed business, thrilled that they’d gotten such a deal. Will, the CEO, said to me, “I especially hope you can clear this one office that everyone calls the ‘Room of Doom.’ Of the eight people who’ve worked there since we moved in, seven have been fired and the eighth moved to a new office after two weeks.”

  I expected to find a very high percentage of yin energy in the space because of all the emotional stress felt there. I smugly assumed the cause of their problems was obviously due to what had been imprinted by previous occupants. In other words, the residue of all the stress felt by the employees of the former company as everything fell apart was not only stuck in the space but infused in all the furniture they’d left behind as well! And the Room of Doom? Well, of course, each of those employees who used that office would have been affected by the leftover feelings of the previous ones, and layered their own negative experience on top, increasing the chance that the next occupant would fail as well.

  I got a surprise when my pendulum measured the energy in the office suite to be 20 percent yin, 80 percent yang! There could be only two reasons for this. Either there’d been a lot of intense anger experienced there—or the earth energies were out of balance. (Earth energies are mostly yang.)

  When I asked my dowsing rod to lead me to the Primary Disturbance in the place, it took me to an attractive office with big windows overlooking the greenery outside. Will was immediately impressed. “Ah, you found it!” he said, laughing. “This is the Room of Doom.” As I used the rod to explore the energy, I discovered the geopathic stress in the room was massive.

  I asked Will if he knew of any recent construction in the neighborhood. He said, “No, not in the neighborhood, but I understand that about two years before we moved in, they did a huge project right here, digging under the existing building to create an underground parking garage. In fact, you’re standing over the entrance.” I peered out the window, and sure enough, the driveway into the garage was directly beneath this “doomed” office.

  What had happened was that the excavation had created severe stress in the earth, which was also being transmitted up into the offices above. Geopathic stress can be broadcast several stories up; you don’t have to be on the ground floor to be affected by it. The downturn for the previous business had started soon after the work on the garage had begun, so it was possible that the GS could have been at least a factor in its eventual bankruptcy.

  The Earth Has Its Own Needs

  The earth has natural needs to release certain forms of energy in order to maintain harmony; that’s not a problem. However, it can become a problem for us when we show up and plop our house down on one of these areas. This is because, depending on what’s being released in that spot, the energy can affect the human system in detrimental ways. When we find a spot where the earth’s energy may stress our own, this also falls into the general category of GS; even though the earth may not be out of balance, the information being released is not beneficial for people to live near.

  In some parts of the world, before a house is constructed, a dowser is brought in to evaluate the energy of the earth and advise on the best place on the property for the house to be built. Imagine if development everywhere could be done with such conscious care! At least with clearing, we have the power to discover if the earth energies where you live are stressful for your system. Then we can clear the adverse affects, so you can live peacefully on your land.

  There are three main sources of geopathic stress: magnetic fields, faulting pressure, and underground water.

  Magnetic Fields

  The earth has a magnetic field, as do our own bodies. However, there are natural fluctuations or distortions in the earth’s magnetic field that can stress the human system. Along with these naturally occurring disturbances in the geomagnetic field, stress there can be created by people cutting into the earth, such as when a road or house is built, or utility pipes or wires are installed underground. That stress can be carried in the land for some distance, to affect you in your space.

  A disturbance in a magnetic field can make you feel mildly unwell every time you’re near it. It can interfere with your ability to concentrate if one runs in the land under your desk, or prevent restful sleep if it’s beneath your bed. One woman who found that a stressed magnetic field ran under one side of her bed realized that was probably why she never slept on that side—and not even her dog would sleep there!

  Dogs, like most animals, naturally sense and avoid disturbing earth energies. However, some animals, such as cats, are attracted to them. If your cat always sleeps in the same place, and it’s not the warmest spot in the house, you might find some GS there! Rodents, wasps, ants, and many other types of insects are also attracted to GS; so if you have an infestation, it might be a symptom of GS on your property.

  Just as the energy of the earth affects us, we affect it as well! Your difficult experience in a space can be transmitted into the earth and change its condition, just as a change in the earth can affect how you feel.

  For instance, Katy, a 20-something interior designer, told me that she’d developed problems sleeping about nine months before. She’d feel fine until she went to bed, but then as she lay there, she’d start to feel sad and depressed and found it difficult to get to sleep. When she woke in the morning, she’d feel weak and listless, not her usual self.

  When I used my dowsing rod to explore the room, I was astonished to discover line after line of stressed magnetic fields running through her entire bed. This was extremely unusual! Normally, you might find one or two lines, if any, in a room, spaced far apart. But these were packed tightly together, and they ran only under her bed; nowhere else in the room.

  As I cleared them, Katy commented that the condo next to hers was vacant because her neighbor had just passed away. The woman had spent the last year in bed, dying of cancer. Katy said she often thought of her as she lay in bed because she knew her neighbor’s pillow was directly behind her, on the other side of the common wall. And there was the likely explanation for the weird phenomenon: her neighbor’s suffering had been transmitted into the earth, and the disturbed magnetic fields that formed under the neighbor’s bed continued on to run under Katy’s bed as well.

  Emotional trauma that happened in a particular spot can change the energy of the land. It can be due to deep emotions felt repeatedly over a period of time, as in the dying neighbor, or from one traumatic experience, like an act of violence.

  Faulting Pressure

  There are areas of naturally occurring pressure and minor fracturing everywhere in the ground. This is not a problem unless this pressure broadcasts energy into your living space in a way that adversely affects you. In addition, human interference can cause problems; for example, the practice of fracking, which does damage to the earth in the search to access natural gas.

  When you’re doing a space clearing, hold in mind that you’re looking for “faulting pressure.” (We use this as a generic term for any pressure or fracturing in the earth that’s negatively affecting your system.) If your pendulum indicates that there is faulting pressure affecting your home, it doesn’t mean that there are actual fault lines running underneath you or that the physical integrity of the structure of your home is at risk. It just means you’re being subtly affected by this influence from the earth.

  If there’s faulting pressure in the land under your dining room table, for instance, it can make everyone feel uncomfortable just below their conscious awareness. The result can be that, even if you arrive at the table happy to be together and the meal is delicious, dinner turns into arguments or indigestion or both. People can’t understand why they were in a perfectly good mood beforehand, but soon they’re feeling irritated or food just isn’t sitting well in their stomach.

  Underground Water

  Just like magnetic fields and faulting pressure, there is naturally occurring underground water everywh
ere—and that’s a good thing! That is, unless it’s transmitting stressed information up into your home.

  The energy in underground water can become disturbed in a number of ways. First, as water flows through underground passages, it produces its own electromagnetic field, which can become distorted depending on how it’s moving and the speed it’s going, or if it crosses another underground stream or runs along a stressed magnetic field or area of faulting pressure as it flows. Any of these factors can cause it to stress the humans living above it. It can even create natural gamma or microwave radiation, which are not good for people at all.

  Then you also must consider any stressful information the water might be carrying. If high levels of toxins are dissolved in it, they can be sending subtle vibrations of toxicity up into the house. And if, for example, the water flowed under a prison miles away before arriving beneath your house, it could also have soaked in disturbed energy from the people in the prison, and that energy could be circulating up into your space as well.

  If there’s disturbed water energy beneath you, you might feel mildly dizzy or slightly nauseated at times, or get hot and sweaty and toss off the blankets as you sleep. It can certainly contribute to an overall feeling of discomfort, emotionally or physically; but just like most GS, the influence is so subtle that until you learn it’s there and connect the dots, you probably never think, Huh, I always feel yucky in this part of the house.

  Everyone has their own unique sensitivity to earth energies. Some people are extremely affected by magnetic fields and others by underground water or faulting pressure; but GS is always a subtle background stressor even for the hardiest of people. You may be astonished to discover, once you learn to tune in, how different you feel when you’re standing on an area of disturbed earth energy.

  Clearing Geopathic Stress