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Clear Home, Clear Heart Page 10

  For instance, a client of mine had a dog who became very ill, and she contacted me for a clearing for him, hoping that it would ease his suffering or possibly even heal him. Although her vet said she had to see a specialist immediately, that office was booked for weeks and couldn’t squeeze her in. The best she could do was to get on the long list of people waiting for a cancellation.

  One hour after I finished the clearing, her phone rang; it was the specialist’s office. They’d just had a cancellation, and none of the people ahead of her on the waiting list could make it, so the appointment was hers. Wonderfully, that vet was able to return her dog to health, and he said that if she’d waited any longer, the dog wouldn’t have survived. So although the clearing didn’t result in a healing as my client had hoped, it may have opened up an appointment so he could be healed!

  Sometimes a clearing shows us that what we think we want is not what’s right for us after all. One woman had hoped that a clearing would result in her fiancé finally setting a date for their wedding. What happened instead was that he ran off with another woman and later was arrested and charged with embezzlement! My client realized that if they’d gotten married, this could have severely affected her own financial safety, and she felt the clearing had saved her from that devastating experience.

  It’s possible for just one clearing to create a huge shift that frees you from a major life issue; other times, a series of clearings is needed to gently peel away the layers. Changes can start with small issues disappearing in surprising ways. You may not even notice the effects until you look back over what’s happened in your life since the clearings, and then you can trace the results that took place one after the other, like dominoes falling.

  Remember, as you go through your days, you can take on new stress that you can’t always successfully let go of by yourself. I usually suggest that people get a clearing once a week, in person or remotely, from someone who’s also learned this work. With each session, more of the tension and stress you’ve been carrying will release, and a new coherence will begin to appear, a harmonious and vibrant flow of energy throughout your spirit and your life.

  Important Dos and Don’ts for Personal Clearing

  You’ve just taken in a lot of information. What I’ve found in all my years of teaching this work is that at this stage, it’s really helpful to have a bit of a review, as well as some essential advice about some important things to keep in mind that otherwise might get overlooked as you try to integrate what you’re learning. So here are some dos and don’ts to remember:

  DO check between each field. Before you start to clear each subsequent field, it’s always helpful to briefly swing the pendulum over your palm just to check whether you’re still in balance. This is because there might have been something in the last field you tuned in to that triggered an old memory or stress in your own system, and so your energy got switched. This doesn’t happen very often, but checking is a helpful habit to cultivate just in case.

  If you find you’ve become switched, it’s usually enough to just take a deep breath to rebalance. Then when you check again, you’ll see the pendulum returns to its normal movement over your palm. If it doesn’t, it’s not a problem. Just follow the advice for what to do when you’re switched.

  So, for example, when the pendulum indicates you’re done clearing Disturbing Effects of Others, before you move on to ask about the Water field, hold the pendulum over your palm for a moment just to see if it swings as it should. If it does, then take your palm away and continue on to ask about that next field.

  DO maintain rapport. When you’re first learning, you probably won’t be able to carry on much of a conversation while you’re clearing someone. You’ll be too focused on holding the thought in mind, paying attention to what you’re feeling, and watching your pendulum. But this means you’re not maintaining much eye contact with your friend, let alone talking to them! So they might end up sitting there feeling quite alone and wondering what’s going on.

  In order to maintain rapport, be sure to look up now and then and smile, tell them when each field is almost done, or in some way make sure they know you’re there for them. After you clear each field, you might want to pause and talk about any sensations or impressions you had or discuss anything they want to share.

  As you start to clear each new field, it can help to say a sentence or two about what this field is usually about. This gives your friend a sense of what you’re tuning in to and makes them feel more engaged. For instance, as you start to clear the Water field, you might say, “In this field, what sometimes comes up to clear are any issues where fear is blocking you.” It does not mean you have to focus on clearing their “fear”; you just hold in mind that you’re clearing Water and pay attention to what you feel. A comment like that is to help give them a foundation for what may be happening so they don’t feel lost, and it can also give them an opening to tell you about a current issue in their life where they know fear is blocking them from moving forward. It also simply helps them relax more so the clearing is even more effective.

  Although at first it can be hard to talk and clear at the same time, it just takes practice. After you’ve had more experience, you’ll be able to carry on a back-and-forth conversation throughout the clearing with no problem. However, as you talk during the session, respect your friend’s privacy and comfort level and don’t push them to share. Some people appreciate the chance to talk about what’s going on in their life before you do the clearing, during it, or afterward. But others may be reluctant to open up and of course you’ll honor that.

  It’s also essential to never make someone feel as if they’re supposed to have some dramatic experience or instant results during the clearing! Avoid questions like, “Are you feeling better?” or anything else that could make them feel like you have expectations for them. And remember, don’t feel discouraged if they don’t report noticing anything during the clearing. Most people are not used to being aware of small or subtle feelings.

  DO allow a yawn and keep tissues handy. It’s not unusual to experience any of three reactions when you do a clearing: yawning, nose running, or eyes tearing. In qi gong (the ancient Chinese energy healing practice), these are classic symptoms of the system detoxifying. In fact, more than one qi gong master has said that clearing is like the highest level of qi gong.

  What’s happening is that you’ve connected with the other person’s energy—you’re feeling their stress as it clears, and this reaction can occur to help that process. So don’t be concerned if any of these things happen when you do a clearing. You may have to reassure the person you’re clearing that your yawn doesn’t mean you’re bored—you’re just releasing their negativity!

  DON’T attempt to diagnose their health. I don’t care if you firmly believe you got a message that there’s something wrong with their stomach and they should see a doctor immediately. Unless you are a medical professional and can give them a physical examination, or are a highly trained medical intuitive, you should never try to diagnose health issues.

  If you felt something in a part of your body, then you can share that with them. Always remember, however, that this could simply be how your system is experiencing the information that’s clearing, and it may have nothing to do with the other person at all, much less their health. If they can’t relate to what you say, make sure to explain this to them. Even if they say they previously had a health issue in that part of their body, it may mean you were clearing any imbalances remaining there; don’t assume the previous health problem has recurred.

  DON’T make promises about results. Once you’ve experienced this work and the feeling of peace and well-being it brings, it can be tempting to start off a clearing by telling someone, “This will make you feel much better.” In the long run, it definitely will, but what first may need to happen is that their suppressed unhappiness emerges in a big fight with their spouse!

  Sometimes difficult things have to be said or uncomfortable feelings
have to be processed in order for positive change to happen. But if you promised them “love and light,” they’re going to think you didn’t do a good job clearing them, or that something went wrong. In fact, your clearing may have been exceptionally powerful and it will help them move beyond their stuck places, but first there are some necessary surges and bumps as the energy transforms. Sometimes people do feel amazingly wonderful right after a clearing, but if they don’t, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t effective.

  DON’T have an attachment to a specific outcome. This is so important. We never know what needs to clear in order for balance and well-being to return to someone’s life. Additionally, if we think we have to achieve a certain outcome with a clearing, we may miss something even more wonderful that can happen as a result. We have such a tiny keyhole view of what’s going on at any one time. We like to think we can figure out what’s best, and we assume things work in straight lines, a cause-and-effect process; but, in fact, Life is more beautifully complex and mysterious than that!

  At times, it can be hard to not be attached to an outcome. If the person you’re clearing is suffering with the flu, you want them to feel better as a result of your work. In fact, a clearing often does ease discomfort when someone is ill, and sometimes they actually do get better right after a session. But alternatively, it might be that the time at home recovering is exactly what they need in order to realize they should make some new choices in life. If they’d gotten better and went right back to work, they would have missed that opportunity for positive change. If that’s the case, then the clearing will support their staying home in bed so that “aha!” can happen.

  If someone desperately wants to get that promotion, you can get caught up in hoping the clearing creates that result. But it could be that if they got the promotion, they’d be caught in a hamster wheel of work and anxiety, and all that extra money they were earning would be spent on therapists’ and doctors’ bills because they were so stressed!

  Trying to help make things all better, projecting your perceptions of what you believe is “good” for someone, or getting lost in your own emotions about the situation all interfere with your effectiveness. Just breathe, stay present, be aware of your feelings but don’t get swept away in them, and clear.

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  There are common questions I get at this point in the training, so on the following pages you’ll find some answers to topics you may have been wanting to ask about!

  “What if I don’t have time to do a full personal clearing?”

  Although ideally you’ll do a full clearing, working through each of the fields and ending with integration and grounding, sometimes it’s simply not possible. Perhaps a friend needs your clearing help but you have only a few minutes to spare. In that case, you can do what’s called a general clearing.

  First, you check to make sure you’re not switched. Then ask if it’s appropriate to proceed; if you get a “yes,” just give your pendulum a swing to get it going, and let yourself drop into what I call the feeling you’ll be more and more familiar with: clearing mode.

  Tell yourself that you are setting the time for the session to be five minutes (or whatever amount of time you have) and hold the thought in mind that you’re clearing your friend. You don’t have to go through the individual fields. The pendulum will make its usual clearing movement and will indicate when it’s done, which is almost always within the time frame you set.

  However, I don’t suggest you do any general clearings until you’ve had plenty of practice doing full clearings because you simply won’t have enough experience to be very focused or effective. And again, it’s always best to do a full clearing rather than a general one.

  “How often should someone get a clearing?”

  I recommend having a clearing once a week, but any time you feel especially stressed by your day, don’t hesitate to get one or to clear yourself!

  One of the nice things about this system is that you can work with a partner and exchange personal clearings on a regular basis. You can do this with friends who have also read this book or have been to a workshop, or you can turn to the beautiful, caring community that’s grown up around this work by going to to find a clearing partner.

  You can clear your partner in person, or while you’re together on the phone or a video chat. You can also clear them alone, at your own convenience, and then simply e-mail them, send them a private message, or call them about it later. However, I recommend not working with any one partner for more than three months at a time because you can get too used to each other’s energy and therefore be less effective. It’s also great training for you to work with a new partner every few months— you’ll see how different the experience is with each person’s energy!

  “At what point can I start clearing myself?”

  You can practice clearing yourself right now. However, until you’ve had good experience clearing others, you won’t be able to clear much of your own “stuff.” You’re too close, too used to your own energy, and haven’t yet developed your understanding of the work in a way that you get only through clearing others. So when you clear yourself at this early stage, you might clear only 10 percent of what’s able to be released at that time, while another person would be able to clear 80 percent for you!

  Later on, once you’ve built your skills with this work, you’ll be able to clear yourself beautifully. At that point, I recommend even doing it on a daily basis if that feels right to you. Eventually, you’ll just be naturally clearing yourself as you go through your day. You’ll be letting go of stressed thoughts and feelings as they arise without having to pull out your pendulum or work through the fields. It will become automatic—whenever you encounter stress, you clear it!

  “Can I clear someone if I’m sick?”

  It’s probably best to wait until you’re better. But if you follow the protocol, you’ll find this out yourself because there are safeguards built into these methods. If you’re too sick to do a clearing, your pendulum may show that you’re switched, and you won’t be able to get yourself back into balance with the usual techniques. Or when you ask if it’s appropriate to proceed, you’ll get a “no.” Or you’ll start clearing, but as you ask if there’s anything to clear in each field, you keep getting “no.”

  Understand that one of the benefits of this work is that it puts you in touch with your feelings. Listen to your body. If you don’t feel well enough to do a clearing, then don’t. It doesn’t matter if your friend is in distress and you feel guilty about not helping. Pushing yourself to do something that’s not right for you comes from an unhealthy emotional place, not a balanced one.

  If you’ve listened to your feelings and still want to try, and the pendulum gives you the appropriate go-ahead, then it’s probably fine. Doing a clearing for someone also benefits your energy, so you’ll often feel much better as a result of clearing someone else.

  “Can you clear babies and children? Can I teach my child how to clear?”

  You can clear any living being. I love when parents come to my workshops because they often report afterward what an amazing experience it is to clear their own children, and how their kids now come to them to ask for a clearing when they’re upset.

  However, I do not recommend that you try to teach your child how to clear. For one thing, they don’t yet have the emotional maturity to understand the process. Something very important to remember is that children are extremely sensitive to energy but haven’t yet learned how to manage any of that sensitivity. If you teach them how to deliberately open to stressed energy, it can be too much for them. They’ll naturally feel more than an adult will because they’ve not had the decades of gradually shutting down that most adults need to undo!

  Some parents see their highly sensitive child struggling to manage their everyday experience in the world and so want to teach them clearing in order to help them cope. If you’re in this situation, know that there ar
e positive and powerful alternatives you can teach them that can really help at this stage in their life. I’ve posted some for you at

  Depending on a child’s individual maturity, I’d suggest waiting until they’re in their midteens before getting them interested in learning how to clear. Until then, just allow them to enjoy the benefits of being cleared!

  Now you’ve followed me through the process of doing a personal clearing and have developed a basic understanding of what to do. On the next page, you’ll find a checklist that can help you easily remember each step.


  Here’s an abbreviated step-by-step guide to refer to when you do a personal clearing. Please don’t use this shorthand version until you’ve read and understood the full information covered in Part I.

  Holding the pendulum over your palm, check to make sure you’re not switched.

  Take a deep breath, relax, and become aware of your feelings.

  Ask: “Is it appropriate to proceed?” If “yes,” continue; if “no,” try the clearing at another time.

  Tell the person you’re clearing to relax and just be aware of what they feel or anything that comes to mind during the session so you can discuss it later on.

  Hold a calm, open “passive wondering” state of mind.

  Ask: “Is there anything to clear in Disturbing Effects of Others?” If “yes,” clear. If “no,” you most likely are switched or unable to clear at this time. Refer for what to do.

  Ask: “Is there anything to clear in Water?” If “yes,” clear; if “no,” continue on to ask about the next field.

  Ask: “Is there anything to clear in Wood?” If “yes,” clear; if “no,” continue on to ask about the next field.

  Ask: “Is there anything to clear in Fire?” If “yes,” clear; if “no,” continue on to ask about the next field.

  Ask: “Is there anything to clear in Earth?” If “yes,” clear; if “no,” continue on to ask about the next field.